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March 23, 2021

There are many different types of bowling balls. Picking the right one might be a daunting task for the newbies. This should not worry you. Did you know that the type of bowling ball you choose for your sports have a relative effect on your performance?

The article will provide you with the right step-by-step guide on choosing the right bowling ball for your game and you can select from a variety of bowling balls that Bowlers Paradise has to offer. Choose from major brands such as Elite, Ebonite, Motiv, Brunswick, Dexter, Columbia, DV8, Hammer, Storm, Roto Grip, Track at affordable prices.

What is an Ideal Ball Weight?

The weight of a ball is a fundamental aspect when it comes to the bowling activity. The average size of a bowling ball has diameter measurements of 8.6 inches with a relative weight of about 6 to 7 kilograms.

A bowler needs to get the most suitable weight when playing. You might find other players with heavier balls than yours. Thus, it may not be easy to pick the most suitable weight for yourself.

Before we move further with this, let us go through some of the various effects of ball weight.

You can effectively notice the impacts of a bowling ball's weight during its collision with the pins. If you have a lighter ball, the pins might not get knocked well. In case you otherwise have a heavier ball, when you try to throw it with a regular speed, the ball might miss out on its momentum. The pins will certainly fail to be knocked down. Or, if you decide to utilize more force, you might knock down the pins successfully. But, you may get hurt.

From this, you can conclude that both the lighter and heavier balls have their own limitations and advantages. The ideal ball weight needed for bowling depends on a person's level of expertise and physical characteristics such as height.

Most people get comfortable with a 10-pound ball weight. However, the size does not apply to all players. The effects of the ball weight generally work under Physics principles. If you pick a heavier ball and throw at a good manageable speed, there is a higher likelihood of a higher collision.

This is because a heavier ball tends to have a higher momentum at a particular speed, unlike a lighter ball moving at a similar speed.

To gain maximum advantage, you need to look for the best ball with the highest speed with your skills. You can leverage your ability and find the significant bowling revolution and angle.

Heavy bowling balls may also not be good for your health. You may encounter fatigue or injury, as mentioned above. This might make you lose the game tremendously. In case you have an extremely lighter ball, it might be tough for you to establish the essential effect during a collision.

We can conclude that you cannot generalize the ideal ball weight for every player. It would be best to take into consideration some underlying factors to decide on the significant weight.

find the perfect bowling ball for you

Brunswick TZone Frozen Bliss Bowling Ball

Which Coverstock to Choose From?

Coverstock is an exterior material of your bowling ball. It assists in influencing the reaction to the lane conditions. Bowling balls are made of different coverstocks, including Plastic, Proactive, Urethane, and Reactive Resin.

These multiple cover stocks differ in their performances and their reactions to the lane surface. When you roll down a ball, friction is established between your ball's cover stock and the lane surfacing. The friction created has a direct relationship to the hook potential.

Let us dive deeply into the various types of cover stock.

  1. Plastic

    This outer material is of a smoother feeling. However, it forms less friction when you roll the ball down the lane. Thus, it provides you with the least hook potential. Balls with polyester coverstock are highly recommended to beginners with a great desire for a bowling ball's firm grip.

    The more experienced bowlers normally utilize this ball for spares. They can easily forecast its reaction due to its lower hook potential.

  2. Urethane

    This type of coverstock is more long-lasting and gives you more friction during its throw. Therefore, urethane has more hook potential than plastic coverstock. Its increased friction enables less deflection and therefore contributes to an improved pin action.

    You might elevate yourself with the urethane coverstock for an outstanding experience.

  3. Reactive Resin

    The reactive resin coverstock is not quite durable. However, it has increased friction, hooks potential, and pin action than the urethane and plastic cover stocks. You may experience difficulty when utilizing this bowling ball. This is due to its high sensitivity to lane conditions and operator errors. The coverstock is more suitable for intermediate and advanced bowlers.

  4. Proactive/Particle

    The design of this coverstock is quite similar to the reactive resin bowling ball. The only existing difference in this type of coverstock is the microscopic material added to it. It blends well with the oily lane conditioner and responds effectively with the surface.

  5. Pearl Reactive Coverstock

    This has an additional material combined with the reactive coverstock which in appearance allows the surface of the ball to glitter. The material added is a mica material. On dry lanes, the ball reaction is increased in length due to the mica material which has made the microscopic pores rough.

  6. Solid Reactive Coverstock

    This reactive coverstock from the factory is matte finish, for a heavy or very heavy oiled lane they are the best choice. On the ball surface, it has a good amount of microscopic pores. This coverstock arrives with a sanded finish and a well polish finish.

  7. Hybrid Reactive Coverstock

    This reactive coverstock is a combination of both pearl and solid reactive, it can be used in any kind of condition because it has both the pearl and solid advantage which makes it the best selling ball.

Understanding The Different Types of Cores

The core is another factor that influences how a bowling ball acts. There are different types of cores designed for different purposes. They include:

  • Symmetrical cores

    Symmetrical cores are similar around the axis. A bowling ball can be horizontally symmetrical but not vertical. The pin is a marking on the ball that tells the location center of the symmetry. It, therefore, gives the bowler a chance to perfectly grip the ball at a great angle for increased performance.

  • Asymmetrical cores

    This type of core has a significant distribution of weight in a single place. Asymmetrical cores are more suitable for bowlers with a higher number of revolutions in their throws. Also, high-level bowlers utilize these balls in particular situations.

  • Pancake cores

    This type of core has the shape look of a pancake or a round puck. On quality lanes, their weight provides reliability and steadity. If you’re looking for a ball with no important consideration then this core type is the best for you.

Checking the USBC Approval For Your Ball

USBC (United States Bowling Congress) is the entity that governs bowling sports in the US. They monitor a pool of characteristics that alter the balls' performance. Most of these features have ranges that grant manufacturers the freedom to design bowling balls.

They primarily focus on the balls' coverstocks, their mass, and balance features. For instance, a bowling ball needs to have a toughness of at least 72 when measured with a Shore durometer. You can go through the USBC Equipment Specifications and Certifications Manual for clear and abundant information on this. 

How to Choose a Beginners Bowling Ball

You can gain enthusiasm tremendously in the bowling sport when you get your bowling ball. Choosing a ball as a beginner may be tiresome. But, with this article, you will find it easy to pick a bowling ball.

  • Choosing a ball with polyester coverstock

    It would help if you were extra cautious on the coverstock when selecting a beginner's bowling ball. This is because it affects how the ball reacts with the lane. The polyester coverstock is the best pick for most beginners.

    It is economy-friendly, unlike other types of cover stocks. The ball will also offer you minimum friction, which will mean it will face less resistance while throwing down the lane.

    Your ball will go in a straight line and avoid taking breaks on the side, a process by the name of hooking. Beginners require a bowling ball with straight movement that will not interfere with their focus on fundamental concepts.

  • Weighing the ball

    All beginners will go for lighter balls during their first time. This is because it is simpler to control around. Conversely, the heavier balls might need someone with advanced experience. A heavier ball might irritate you and make you despair along the way. Also, you might hurt yourself while throwing it since it needs much force.

    You can spin quickly using a lighter ball to minimize the hook potential. However, you should not pick a lighter ball since it will not challenge you. You might not enjoy the game.

  • Take some note of the core type

    Bowling balls have different core types. Beginners are advised to mostly select core types with symmetrical or pancake shapes. They offer unique performance, and it is easier to make forecasts on the reactions. Also, it is simpler to drill the finger holes.

  • Have short term goals

    In bowling, you need to find a ball that is simpler to manage at the moment. Do not purchase a ball to utilize after many years. You will have undivided focus when you do that.

How Reactive Should Be Your Bowling Ball

Reactive bowling balls are different from normal ones that are coated in polyurethane or dense plastic Reactive balls have a coating layer of grippy resin. This maximizes the traction of the ball while on the lane giving the bowler the ability to control its speed and throw angle. The player gets to have more control of the speed and the ball's angle.

Shop Beginner Bowling Balls

Getting The Holes Drilled

Most bowling balls do not come with holes after purchase. So, what are some of the best ways on how to get your holes drilled?

  • Look for an expert

    You can look for a pro who will assist you with the hole drilling. They are well experienced and will provide you with the best layout for your game. You can critically go through this article to have a piece of fundamental knowledge about this overall exercise. You can pinpoint burning questions to the experts who will be drilling your bowling ball. They will advise accordingly. At Bowlers Paradise, we offer custom and standard drilling and we have the expertise and experience to do that.

  • Drilling holes

    Your ball’s hole's size and the distance between holes should not stress you a lot. The driller will take measurements of your hands and fingers and develop the best layout for the holes. The holes cause a greater impact on the performance of the bowling ball while on the lane.

  • Mark the center of gravity and the pin

    The pin has a colored marking of a dot on the ball. It denotes the center of your core inside the ball. During manufacturing, the core needs a perfect position at the center.

    Manufacturers normally utilize a pin to suspend the core. The mold toughens, and the pin is taken away. This leaves out a small hole that requires filling. It is the colored dot you normally see on the bowling ball.

    The determined location for the drilled holes and that of the pin explain the ball's different behaviors.

    The center of gravity represents the center of gravity of the bowling ball. It is a tiny mark located some inches closer to the pin. It generally does not affect the rolling of your ball. It comes in handy when drilling holes on the ball.

  • Locate the track

    The track denotes the rings present in your ball after making a shot. These are parts that have come in contact with the lane. You can refer to your track from a previous ball. Or, your operator can assist you to throw several shots using a related bowling ball.

    In the case of multiple rings, you can estimate the positive axis point with the ring's help closer to the thumb hole and farthest from the fingers.

  • Get the Positive Axis Point

    The PAP varies between different bowlers. You can consult your operator on how to locate the positive axis point of your ball. It is normally a point that is equidistant from every position of the track.

    The PAP is generally the spot that has the same distance from every ring layer around the ball. The operator might employ tools and methods that will enable the easier location of the PAP.

Get Practicing With Your Ball

Consistency and practice are what can make your bowling like a pro. Whether you are doing it at home or a bowling center, it would help if you practiced with your ball by complying with the below tips.

  • Stay fit

    Bowling engages with most of your muscles like any other sporting activity. It would be helpful to keep your body in good shape for optimum performance. You might enroll in cardio classes or weight management.

  • Work on your swing

    Arm swinging is crucial when doing bowling. You might practice your arm movement in front of a home mirror before visiting the bowling alley.

  • Do it every day

    If you cannot make it to the lanes that day, you might improve your bowling skills by talking about it with friends, watching, or reading online. There are tons of useful resources online. Doing it visually will certainly improve your bowling moves.

    Shop Bowling Balls On Sale


Bowling balls are a fun activity to do after work or on weekends. It improves our health by sharpening our memory. To choose the right bowling ball you need to consider several factors such as the ball's weight, coverstock, core, and getting it drilled properly. These factors all relate to each other in some way and have an impact on the bowling performance.

Justin McNally
Justin McNally