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Bowling alleys are high-traffic places. Those lanes have everything from oil to dust on them — and you’re touching a ball that you throw down those oily, dusty lanes. Your hands are sure to get a little dirty, and so will your bag that you use to transport your ball from home to the bowling alley.
But hygiene isn’t the only reason to keep your bowling ball clean. There’s a lot more to it than that. Let’s talk about the best way to get bowling balls clean and some of the performance-supporting products you can use to clean your bowling ball right!
Every time you throw that ball, you should gently wipe it clean. Not doing so can allow dirt and contaminants to penetrate your coverstock, impacting performance over time. Use a shammy or a purpose-built microfiber tool for this.
Occasionally, your ball will need a deep clean using a reliable cleaning product specifically made for bowling balls. This is the equivalent of a deep pore cleanse for your face, rendering similar results (smoothing and removal of contaminants).
Even more occasionally, you may need to resurface your ball to extend its life and performance. Visit a pro shop to help, or contact us here at Bowlers Paradise to talk about it. Now, let’s talk about cleaning your bowling balls and the schedule you should stick to for doing it.
It's best to set a standard because bowling balls are used at varying intensities. The following guidelines are general and for all types of bowling balls.
Ten games: At the 10-game mark, a good clean prevents performance issues. Use a reliable cleaner. If you’re not sure, ask at the pro shop or check in with Bowlers Paradise for a recommendation.
Thirty games: At this stage of the game using an oil-eliminating and lifting cleaner to degrease your bowling ball is the best way to clean it, ensuring that lane oil isn’t compromising its performance.
Sixty games: It’s time to resurface!
Cleaning your bowling balls on this loose schedule is how to keep them playing as they have traditionally. If you fail to deep clean regularly in addition to cleaning as you play, your ball’s performance will tell on you!
Some online sources recommend that you resurface your ball at home to save money. While that’s a good idea for some, it may be the death of your ball if done improperly. You’ll also need a spinner to get the resurfacing job done. While this bowling ball cleaning equipment will pay for itself, you need to know how to resurface safely.
Find a reliable pro shop and pay to have the ball resurfaced by professionals. That’s the best way to clean bowling balls and resurface them safely to keep them hitting the lanes in style.
Your bowling ball’s surface contains tiny pores. These pores are part of the reason for every specific ball’s performance, creating friction and hook potential. But with every throw and every game, your ball gets closer to becoming what’s called a “dead ball.” When a ball has accumulated enough dirt and lane oil, it’s dead! And a dead ball isn’t a winning ball. So, the best way to maintain your bowling ball’s performance is to stick to a cleaning schedule.
A clean ball continues responding the way you need it to, gripping the lane with renewed friction and moving toward the pins with renewed vigor! And here’s a tip: how to tell when you need to purchase a new bowling ball, is when it’s been cleaned so much that the logo is worn off! That’s a bowling ball that’s served you exceptionally well.
Take care of your bowling ball and your bowling ball will take care of you, hitting the lines in style for the foreseeable future. Follow the simple cleaning schedule suggested here, and you’ll be prolonging the ball’s life and enjoying it for even longer!
Nothing lasts forever, but the proper care and maintenance will ensure your ball lasts as long as possible. Your bowling ball is a key component of playing the sport you love. So, give that precious sidekick the love it deserves to keep it in the game longer as you hit the lanes together in style. Clean and resurface your bowling balls often to get optimal enjoyment from them!
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